Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oscarwatch #1

Seeing as I have not yet acquired the monetary resources to see one of the many major blockbusters in theaters right now (look for my reviews for "My Sisters Keeper" "Public Enemies" the long overdue "The Hangover" and "Boondock Saints II" coming up soon) I have decided to include a short piece on possible Oscar-Worthy movies that are awaiting release for this Fall and Winter. As I watch and grade them, they will slowly be assembled into possibilities for different categories, and organized in the position of possibility to win Best Picture. For now, we simply have a list of hot movies to watch out for this year.


This beautiful looking movie, Directed by Ron Marshall (The Academy Award winning Director of Chicago) and featuring a star studded Oscar Winning Cast (Including but not limited to Daniel Day Lewis, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Marion Cotillard and Penelope Cruz) is simply begging for Oscar recognition. I hate to judge movies before I see them, but I believe we have a winner.


If Nine has a single competitor this Oscar season, it is this Sundance baby that seems to have popped out of nowhere. Every single audience that it has been screened to has given it incredibly ravetastic reviews, and that usually spells out great things on Oscar night. It has an Oscar release date (Late in November) and is already being pushed by Oprah, and we know that she can sell an Oscar movie (see Crash and Million Dollar Baby).


Hillary Swank stars in a biopic of Amelia Earhart. It Costars Richard Gere and is directed by Mona Lisa Smile's Mira Nair. The Academy loves a good biopic, and I'm sure they wouldn't mind throwing another well earned nomination at Hillary Swank for her work in it, which looks absolutely magnificent. It looks spectacularly filmed, and although has been seen in its entirety by very few, Iam certain it will take my breath away.


Javier Bardem returns to a starring role in this Alejandro González Iñárritu drama about a criminal who runs into an old friend, who happens to be a cop. Rumors about early screenings and mixed reviews have come up out of the internet, but all rumors should be taken with a pinch (or in the case of the Internet, a garbage bag) of salt.


There is not yet a trailer out for the very mysterious Invictus. All that is known is that it is about Rugby. Oh, and that it stars Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela. Pick your jaw up off the floor and lets move on.

The Lovely Bones :

Peter Jackson directs Marky Mark Whalberg in this adaptation of the New York times Best Selling novel. The jury is still out on this one, as Jackon has a shady past and a bright present while Marky Mark has a bright past and an increasingly shadier present.

The Tree of Life:

The Thin Red Line director Terrence Malick is directing Sean Penn and Brad Pitt in his latest movie revolving around a family in the fifties, brotherhood, and loss of innocence. This movie sounds like Oscar-bait if I ever knew what it was.

500 Days of Summer:

Here is our Indie-movie underdog. For every The Departed there is a Little Miss Sunshine for every No Country for Old Men there is a Juno. If the lighthearted quirky Indie jaunt has a place this year, it is this delightful looking film.

Inglorious Basterds:

I can't honestly say that I expect Inglorious Basterds to win or even be nominated for the top prize, simply because it has had such split critical opinions. I can't wait to throw my own two cents into the ring, but it is definetly a film to have on your radar this year. When a critically acclaimed, award nominated director completes what he has claimed to be his "Masterpiece", and stories are released based on the idea that he merely completed his past movies in order to earn enough street cred and money to produce the thing, you buy a ticket.

As Buzz continues, I am sure I will be able to add and take away from this list, but for the time being, here is your To Do list until next March when they open that damned envelope. If you have any ideas, or movies that you have been keeping track of for this Oscar Season, please mention them in the Comments section,

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