Sunday, September 13, 2009

September: The Month of Foliage

The oracles were correct in dubbing the month of September as a "graveyard of terrible movies". A visit to allowed me to quickly view the sewage line that is the variety of movies out in theaters right now. Yes, Inglourious Basterds and District 9 are still pulling their weight, but how could they not against a slew of sewage like The Final Destination, All About Steve, Gamer, Whiteout, Sorority Row, and Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself? I haven't posted a review in some time, and it is unfortunate that I do not have the luxury to buy tickets to something I know I would hate. Why should I spend nearly eleven dollars to see All About Steve? I refuse to review anything I have not seen in a proper theater (It offers a clean slate for any movie to stand on. Talking friends and fuzzy bootlegs can distract anyone who fancies themselves a film critic) so my only option is to review movies that interest me, or have a prominant presence in the Oscar Race. It is one sided, yes, but the current economy is unforgiving to my whims. I have free tickets to an early screening of The Informant tomorrow, and I will have a review up in the evening, along with my first "Oscar-talk" column regarding Matt Damons alledged Oscar-worthy performance.

Speaking of the Oscars, a slew of trailers (including a few Oscar hopefuls) have appeared on the internet. So here you are you silly goats!
I was honestly surprised when I watched this trailer. I had counted Up In The Air out of the race early on in the game because I had not read a synopsis, seen a trailer, and when the poster came out it looked like a wacky romantic comedy. This looks like it will offer real Oscar-fare. Best Picture nominee, if not best original screenplay.
This is one I was dissapointed in. I was honestly excited for the Robert Zemeckis adaptation of A Christmas Carol, and it is unfortunate that it had to come out looking so shitty. Although I'm sure Jim Carrey is excellent, this one will go the same way as The Polar Express and Beowulf. Viewed, and then immediately forgotton.
Although it isn't traditional Oscar-bait, I can see this one bringing some technical nominations. Look for it around November. Possible second Best Actor nomination for Viggo?
A new trailer for what I believe will be one of the best movies of the year. I could just as easily be very wrong, but my bets are with Where the Wild Things Are at the moment. It's in a place where it could have been nominated for best picture back when there were still 10 slots.

A new New Moon trailer has also hit the web, but unfortunately it is the "really really shitty" version. I will post it with my next roundup when I wont be arrested for posting illegal links on my fledgeling website. (I know I wont get arrested).

Also, the new Pirates movie has a name. Pirates of the Carribean:On Stranger Tides.

And no one has any idea what it is about. Speculation has arisen that they are ditching the "Fountain of Youth" storyline and going in a new direction involving a legendary island that will grant it's inhabitants one wish that will only come to fruition on the island, but I have very small hopes for the movie anyway, and I choose to not get involved.

Please tune in tomorrow for my review of The Informant! Did I love it? Did I hate it? Find out!

1 comment:

  1. James,

    Keep your eyes peeled for "Kick-Ass." A pulpy, tongue-in-cheek commentary on how the world really feels about super heroes, this thing has been in production as long as the first issue of the graphic novel it's based on has been in print. Nick Cage, Mark Strong, and Christopher Minz round out the cast, but the real surprise is that the main characters are relative nobodies - a pleasant change of pace from the usual stilted star-studded tragedy most super hero flicks turn out to be. Release date TBA soon.

    Keep on keepin' on,
    - your friendly neighborhood Watchman.
